The epic adventures of a work-in-progress writer of picture books, middle-grade stories, and young-adult fiction.
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I originally wrote this writing prompt for the League of Vermont Writers blog. The image is so haunting that I often return to it for inspiration — the potential is endless. Write. solve the mystery...
Why is it that every time I pack up and head to the airport for some rest and relaxation, I also feel that touch of guilt, like I’m halting all progress and I’ll never get my momentum back?
Now I’ve been called many things—good and bad—but one of the best things someone could ever say about me is that I am a prolific writer. I find it such a compliment, because it took time and work to get there...
The challenge was to read, study, and learn from 100 picture books published in the last five years. Here is my running list of titles...
Postcards make the best writing prompts. They're little, portable works of art that you can slip into a novel or notebook for inspiration on the go...
Hey, this book is about much more than a boy jumping off the high dive. This picture book is about writing—or singing, or tap dancing, or public speaking...
It’s going to be a busy, busy year! Here are my personal writing, publishing, and life goals for the next year...
Now that it's winter and the new year is upon us, it’s a good time to think about writing and set some attainable goals for next year and beyond...
MR. TIGER GOES WILD versus MEET THE DULLARDS: Sometimes the best way to study and review picture books is to compare and contrast them to one another.
I always knew that I wanted to be a writer, but it took me a long time to discover what I actually wanted to write. It took an anthology to find my writing crew and place on the bookshelf...