Photo by Vicko Mozara
When it comes to writing and working my way toward publication, I tend to dive right into the deep end of the pool without looking. It usually hasn’t been a problem. I learn to swim pretty quickly, and luckily there’s always been water in it when I’ve taken the plunge.
This time, the leap wasn’t that easy. I stood on the edge for a long time, curling my toes around the lip of the pool, afraid to fling my body forward.
Was it too cold?
Was it too deep?
Should I belly flop or cannonball?
Would I be able to balance blogging and website upkeep with my writing and publishing momentum?
Like most writers, I’m already juggling my writing with a day job, family, friends, and other things life throws my way. I write and revise late at night, early in the morning, and on weekends. As I get closer to achieving my goals, I see the growing need to have a writer’s platform in place for when that agent, book deal, and publication happen.
As a marketing professional and Type-A personality with just enough artistic ability to be dangerous, hitting any kind of website/blog deadline has been tough. I finally took the leap and enlisted design and site-building help from a new friend, media-diva extraordinaire, Meg Brown of Nutmeg Media.
I’m so glad that I did. Re-prioritizing and letting go of some of the workload has allowed me to continue focusing on revising my current manuscript and has given me the time I need to write, write, write!
Is it going to be perfect? —Nah.
Will there be some bumps? —Hell, yeah.
Grab your swim cap and come on in, the water’s fine. Kerplunk!